Be sure to report examples for being edited or not to be shown. Impolite or colloquial translations usually are marked in pink or orange. 購買商品服務�?如未滿二十歲之未成年人進行消費行為購買,應得法定代理人同�?並遵守本服務條款及相關法律規定。年滿二十歲之成年人需自行負完全的�
Be sure to report examples for being edited or not to be shown. Impolite or colloquial translations usually are marked in pink or orange. 購買商品服務�?如未滿二十歲之未成年人進行消費行為購買,應得法定代理人同�?並遵守本服務條款及相關法律規定。年滿二十歲之成年人需自行負完全的�